Silica Sand

Silica sand is also referred to as quartz sand. It contains 95 percent SIO2 and less than 0.6 percent iron oxide. Usually white or colorless, quartz is also available in a wide array of shades. The color of each sand deposit varies and is highly dependent on the variety of materials and rock detritus forming the resource.

Silica sand offers plenty of advantages and is thus used in applications galore.

Applications and uses of silica sand

  • Used in the construction of bunkers and greens on golf courses. They are also used for synthetic and natural sports fields.
  • Due to its properties supporting drainage and natural plant growth, silica sand or quartz sand is considered simply perfect for this purpose.
  • Silica sand is also used for turf fields as the main structural component.
  • Another common use of silica sand is water filtration. Silica sand helps process tap and well water with significant ease.
  • Another common use of silica sand is water filtration. Silica sand helps process tap and well water with significant ease.
  • Widely used in paints and coatings to enhance durability and overall look.
  • Also, the paint’s dirt and tint reduction get improved due to silica sand’s oil absorption properties.
  • Used in the construction and glazing of various ceramics such as floor tiles, wall tiles, and tableware to name a few.